THOR 7 Ka-band maritime mobility service ready for commercial operation.
Telenor Satellite today announces the commercial readiness of its THOR 7 Ka-band maritime mobility service.
Since the commercial handover of the THOR 7 satellite in June 2015, Telenor Satellite has been carrying out a Ka-band testing programme prior to its commercial launch. The final testing phase involved more than 15 customers running sea trials on approx. 30 vessels, with up to 50 remote terminals testing the service across THOR 7’s footprint. Thanks to the valuable contributions of our pilot customers involved in the final testing phase, we can now launch our mobility Ka-band service with confidence.
Telenor Satellite’s THOR 7 HTS Ka-band service offer 6-9 Gbps throughput with up to 25 simultaneously active spot beams. Supported by the iDirect next-generation iDirect VelocityTM platform, Telenor Satellite is able to offer automatic and seamless spot-beam handover, assuring continuous connectivity across the entire satellite footprint.
“Today is a day that we have been very much looking forward to”, said Morten Tengs, CEO of Telenor Satellite. “Telenor Satellite’s THOR 7 Ka-band mobility service has been designed specifically for the maritime market, providing the reliability and availability our customers expect at sea.”
Telenor Satellite’s investment in THOR 7 has provided the additional European growth capacity needed to expand its overall business and to extend its services capability within the mobility VSAT market. Through our commercial expansion we look forward to keeping more and more customers connected via satellite- anywhere and at any time.