Satellite fleet


THOR 5, launched in 2008, is a combined broadcasting and data services satellite.

It provides high-powered coverage optimised for broadcasting services in the Nordics, Central and Eastern Europe.

The satellite also delivers reliable, high-speed internet access to our maritime mobility clients, operating in Europe, Northern Atlantic, the Middle East and North Africa.

THOR 5 was manufactured by Northrop Grumman.

Satellite THOR 5
OrbitGeosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO)
Orbital location0.75°W
Orbital box size+/-0.05°
Satellite manufacturer Northrop Grumman (formerly Orbital)
Launch dateFebruary 10, 2008.
Launch vehicleProton Breeze M
Launch siteBaikonur, Kazakhstan
Satellite mass at launch2 ton
Fuel mass at launch0.87 ton
Satellite body dimensions4,9m x 3,4m x 2,3m
Satellite span solar arrays21.4 m
Satellite usageBroadcasting and Data Services
Frequency bandKu-band
Number of transponders24 Ku-band (15 FSS, 9 BSS)
Satellite operatorSpace Norway