Contact us
Invoicing Space Norway companies
Invoicing details:
Electronic invoicing
For vendors with a Norwegian organisation number:
Suppliers possessing a Norwegian organization number are required to send invoices and credit notes to Space Norway companies using the PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 format. This mandate applies to all Norwegian Space Norway companies that recognize this format. In rare cases, we may accept, and process invoices received via email or on paper.
For suppliers without a Norwegian organisation number:
Suppliers who do not have a Norwegian organisation number may submit invoices in the following formats:
- Using the PEPPOL BIS format.
- As an email with the invoice attached as a PDF file.
For invoicing inquiries related to Space Norway Satcom AS and Space Norway (UK) Ltd. , please send your inquiry to ap.request@telenor.com.
For billing inquiries for other Space Norway companies, please contact us at invoice@spacenorway.com.
Submitting an invoice to Space Norway companies
Electronic invoice:
Invoices and credit notes must be addressed to the appropriate Space Norway company (buyer).
- BIS SchemeID = 0192: <buyer’s Norwegian organization number>
- Electronic invoice attachments must be included as part of the XML and encoded in Base64.
For further details, refer to the EU Peppol-search.
Alternative delivery methods:
If an electronic invoice cannot be sent, it can be emailed to the appropriate Space Norway company.
- Acceptable email attachment formats are PDF or TIFF.
- Only one document (including invoice and attachment) should be sent per email.
Please note that the provided email address is solely for sending PDF/TIFF invoices. Any comments, questions, or requests sent to this email address will not receive a response.
In exceptional circumstances, invoices may be mailed by post.
Invoice specifications
All invoices must adhere to the Norwegian accounting regulations:
Norwegian Accounting Regulations.
Invoicing that does not comply with these requirements may not be processed. If any reference information is missing, the invoice will be returned to the vendor.
The following details must be included on the invoice:
- Supplier’s name
- Supplier’s organisation number
- For suppliers registered in the VAT register, the organisation number must be followed by the letters “VAT.”
- Contract number
- Bank account number
- Unique invoice number
- Invoice date
- Due date
- Buyer’s name
- Buyer’s organisation number
- Reference (order number, contact person’s name, or email address)
- Description of item lines, unit (pieces, box, etc.)
- Unit price
- Quantity
- Amount per product line
- Net invoice amount
- Other government fees (e.g., environmental fee)
- VAT amount per VAT rate
- Total invoice amount including VAT
For invoices from international suppliers:
- Currency
Our billing addresses:
The company’s billing address should be included on all invoices, even if they are sent via EHF or email.
Space Norway AS
Postboks 66 Skøyen
0212 Oslo, Norway.
Accounts email address: 975963233@autoinvoice.no
Organisation number: NO 975963233
Space Norway Satcom AS
c/o Fakturamottak
Postboks 349 Alnabru,
0614 Oslo, Norway
Accounts email address: ssc.fakturamottak@telenor.com
Organisation number: NO 974529068
Space Norway Heosat AS
Postboks 66 Skøyen
0212 Oslo, Norway
Accounts email address: 922026211@autoinvoice.no
Organisation number: NO 922026211
Statsat AS
Postboks 66 Skøyen
0212 Oslo, Norway.
Accounts email address: 913035976@autoinvoice.no
Organisation number: NO 913035976
Space Norway (UK) Limited
2 London Wall Place
London, EC2Y 5AU, United Kingdom.
Accounts email address: accounts.uk@spacenorway.com
Organisation number: GB 677985060