About Space Norway

Contact us

Welcome to Space Norway!

We appreciate your interest in Space Norway. Whether you’re a current customer, a prospective client, an industry peer, or simply curious about satellites, our team is here to support you.

Feel free to contact our team by filling out the contact form below and submitting your inquiry to the appropriate department.

Thank you for choosing Space Norway.

Have a question?

Existing customers

If you are already a Space Norway Data Services customer and have questions regarding the use or activation of a service, please contact your Key Account Manager (KAM) or our Network Operations Centre (NOC) support team through our customer portal, the Bridge.

TV and internet queries

For queries related to your TV subscription, streaming services, TV channels, or internet, please contact your service provider directly.

Invoicing information

If you have a question on how to invoice Space Norway companies, please visit this page to find all the relevant information you need.

General inquiries

For other inquiries, please use the contact form below to contact Space Norway.

man with a pc

Space Norway companies

Space Norway

Visiting address: 
Drammensveien 165
0277 Oslo

Postal address:
P.O. Box 66 Skøyen
0212 Oslo

Front desk: +47 225 10 000.
E-mail: info@spacenorway.com

Space Norway Satcom

Snarøyveien 30
1360 Fornebu

Space Norway Heosat

Drammensveien 165
0277 Oslo



Drammensveien 165
0277 Oslo

E-mail: kontrollsenter.statsat@statsat.no

Space Norway (UK) Ltd. 

2 London Wall Place,
EC2Y 5AU London,
United Kingdom

Nittedal Teleport 

Passoppveien 1
1488 Hakadal,

Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT)

Drammensveien 165
0277 Oslo

Get connected!

Interested in learning more about Space Norway or about our services? Fill out this contact form and select your topic of interest.

Our expert team will get in touch with you shortly to provide the information and support you need.

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