subsea fibreoptic cables



High-speed connection for modern life

Extending a lifeline to the Svalbard archipelago with seamless connectivity for contemporary living.

In today’s interconnected world, reliable and high-speed internet is crucial, especially in remote regions like Svalbard. Our state-of-the-art fiber optic subsea cables are essential for space-related activities, modern living, and the exercise of authority on the island. These cables are not just a technological innovation but a lifeline that supports a broad range of activities on the archipelago.

Space Norway owns and operates two subsea cables that ensure fast and uninterrupted internet access, without which digital life on Svalbard would be inconceivable. From enabling scientific research to facilitating everyday communications and online services, the cables play a crucial role in maintaining the island’s connection to the mainland and the rest of the world.


Find out more about subsea cables
fibreoptic subsea cables
The backbone of Svalbard's digital life.

Spanning the ocean, our cable system is recognised as critical national infrastructure. Connectivity provided by the cables supports everything from governmental operations to private enterprises, making them indispensable to the island’s functionality.

We take pride in maintaining 24/7 uptime throughout the year, ensuring that Svalbard remains a hub of activity and innovation, despite its remote location. Our commitment to reliability and excellence ensures that both the present and future needs of Svalbard are met with the highest standards of connectivity.

Norwegian man with sea in the background